Your Financial Options
When an individual applies for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), the approval process can take months to even years to complete. This means disabled individuals who are unable to work are left without a source of income during that period of time. Under such circumstances, those who are eligible undoubtedly see value in applying for unemployment benefits.
Unemployment Eligibility
Eligibility for unemployment benefits varies from state to state. In Illinois, you will be eligible to file for unemployment benefits if you were recently laid off or discharged from a place of employment due to circumstances that were no fault of your own. You must also have earned enough money during a recent base period in order for the state to determine an appropriate benefit amount.
Can You Collect Unemployment While on Social Security Disability?
SSDI is designed for individuals who cannot work. Unemployment benefits are a form of temporary financial assistance to help people stay afloat while they work on finding new employment. Therefore, it is almost always impossible to receive both at the same time.
How Can You Apply for Both SSDI and Unemployment?
Does unemployment count as income for social security disability? Yes, it does, which is why you cannot receive both SSDI and unemployment benefits in the State of Illinois at the same time, except in some rare cases. However, you can apply for SSDI and unemployment at the same time, as well as receive unemployment benefits while waiting for SSDI.
Opting to receive unemployment benefits while waiting for disability can potentially negate your SSDI claim. However, many SSDI claimants are forced to find another source of income while they wait on the Social Security Administration to approve their application.
For disabled individuals who could potentially find a job that allows them to earn a living wage, applying for unemployment benefits is simply a way to stay afloat. However, if they do not find a job that accommodates their limitations caused by their disability, or they are only able to work a part time job where they earn minimal income, they will likely still qualify for SSDI benefits.
Contact Us for Help with Disability Benefits – The Crosby Law Firm
Social Security Disability and unemployment are entirely different in nature. If you are collecting unemployment benefits and struggling to obtain SSDI, waiting on a disability claim approval, or facing other concerns related to SSDI or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), contact the disability attorneys in Rockford, IL at The Crosby Law Firm. Our experienced legal team is here to help you get back on your feet.
Contact us online or call today at (815) 397-2007 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our capable disability lawyers.