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After You File For Bankruptcy

Once you have made the decision to file for bankruptcy, it’s important to hire a bankruptcy attorney serving Rockford, IL. We will help you with the aftermath and deducing what the next steps are.  After Filing After you choose to file for bankruptcy, you will receive a notice of the Meeting of Creditors from the court. This can be held roughly 30 days after you’ve filed, and our experienced attorneys can help work with you through this process. Filing And Your 401k Filing for bankruptcy does not change your future right should you choose to invest in a retirement account. If you have a current 401k, you are able to keep it because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that 401k accounts are not actual property of the bankruptcy estate.  Working On Your Credit Our bankruptcy attorneys serving Rockford, IL are able to help you through rebuilding your credit. Consider using either Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion to receive one free copy of your credit report. You should be receiving these annually...

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Filing For Bankruptcy

Filing or bankruptcy can be a stressful and arduous process, but when you hire our bankruptcy attorney near Belvidere, IL, we will make sure to get you through to process seamlessly. Chapter 7, Title 11 The United States Code of Chapter 7 of Title 11 governs the process of liquidation under the bankruptcy laws in the US. Chapter 7 is known to be the most common form of bankruptcy. Reasons To Declare Bankruptcy Many people choose to file for bankruptcy if they want to start over again, all with a clean slate. Other reasons may be to ease tensions related to your financial problems. Once you choose to file for bankruptcy, those who call you constantly and send letters in order to collect will have to cease.  Prepare For The Process Once our bankruptcy attorney near Belvidere, IL figures out if you’re eligible for Chapter 7, you need to consider your options. Which debts can be eliminated? Which debts will have to be reaffirmed? Which assets will be subject to...

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What Makes Up An Estate Plan?

Estate planning is not as stressful as you think when you hire a professional and experienced lawyer to help you. As your estate planning lawyers serving Rockford, IL, we want to make sure you know the basics about your estate plan and what goes into creating one.  A Last Will And Testament Known as the most important part of an estate plan, these two let you choose who inherits your assets, select your child’s guardian, and name an executor to make sure that all your wishes are carried out. A Living Will The Living Will allows you to decide the sort of care you want if you end up being hospitalized and cannot make decisions for yourself. This can be important for those with strong religious beliefs when it comes to DNRs. Healthcare Power Of Attorney This also concerns treatment issues, but names someone to make decisions for you—your spouse, family member, a close friend—instead of laying out your choices in a previous document.  Financial Power Of Attorney You can...

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Tips for Saving Money this Summer

Keeping track of your finances and being honest with how you are spending your money is an important step in avoiding bankruptcy. Our bankruptcy attorneys near Rockford, Il have seen firsthand the havoc that ensues when money isn’t handled properly. While summer can be a tempting time to splurge, it can also be an ideal time to save! Here are some money saving tips that you can implement into your summer routine and beyond. Skip the Dishwasher With all of the excess energy that you will use when your air conditioner is on, cutting back in other areas is an easy way to save money. Avoid running the dishwasher when it isn’t completely full to help save energy. You can also wash pots and pans by hand instead of putting them in the dishwasher. This small change can have a big impact! Unplug Appliances Did you know that even if you aren’t using an appliance that is plugged in, it is using energy? It’s easy to get into a habit...

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The Basics of Workers’ Compensation

Your work environment is a place where you should always feel comfortable, safe and protected. Unfortunately, this is not the case for some people, as a work-related accident may occur without the company going out of their way to take care of you. This is where our bankruptcy attorney in Rockford, Il comes into play. Workers’ compensation is designed to provide benefits and medical care for those who have been injured on the job. Here is some basic information about workers’ compensation. It is Required for All Employers While this is true, the level and type of coverage that is required for each state is different. Changes are different in the following areas: Which employees are coveredThe types of injuries that are covered and the necessary proof requiredInjuries that are excludedStatutes of limitationsEmployer defenses against claims such as self-litigated injuries or willful misconduct It Covers Long-Term Illnesses, Injuries and Incidents A safe work environment should be your employer’s number one priority. If you find yourself missing work from a work-related...

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Warning Signs of Bankruptcy

Many people assume that those who file for bankruptcy mismanage their finances or simply are not responsible with their money. While this is sometimes the case, filing for bankruptcy may also be the result of a health crisis, a divorce, a death, or another life-changing event. If you are currently going through financial hardship, make sure you are aware of the warning signs and feel free to contact our bankruptcy lawyers in Rockford, Il with any questions you may have. Maxed Out Credit Cards It is tempting to use credit cards to extend your income, but this is a slippery slope that can result in eventually filing for bankruptcy. Only put charges on your credit card that you know you will be able to pay off every month. This will help improve your credit score as well, setting you up for financial success in the future. Late or Missing Payments Consistent late or missing payments on bills may be the result of disorganization or the fact that you simply cannot...

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3 Signs You Need to Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney

Finances are an extremely personal matter and can be a touchy subject. If you and your family are facing financial hardship and you are questioning whether or not you should hire a bankruptcy attorney in Belvidere, Il, chances are, you could benefit from our team of professionals at the Crosby Law Firm. We can help you face this difficult time and develop a plan to relieve your debt. You’re Taking from Your Retirement Funds If you’ve put in the time and effort to build a retirement fund for yourself, that money should stay in the fund until you retire. People who are facing financial hardships are oftentimes tempted to take money from their retirement fund prematurely. The truth is, this will only further hurt your financial situation down the road. Before you take from your retirement fund, contact our bankruptcy attorney near Belvidere, Il. You Can’t Pay Your Monthly Bills This is a sure sign that you need financial help. If you know that you cannot pay your monthly bills...

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Third Annual Stateline Youth for Christ 5K 4 Kids

Getting in a workout and supporting kids in need: what could be better? The Crosby Law Firm is proud to announce our 3rd annual Stateline Youth for Christ 5K 4 Kids. Join us on Saturday, September 29th from 9am-3 pm at the Midway Village Museum in Rockford. Registration for the race beings at 9 am and races kick off at 10 am! Be sure to bring water, your best running shoes and a smile. Be sure to run your best race, as the overall top three in the men’s, women’s and separate age group divisions will receive special prizes! Plus, if enough teams from churches, schools or businesses signs up, we will consider giving away a first-place team prize as well! You can register for the beforehand event. Plus, you’ll save $5 registering beforehand. You can also register on race day for $30/person and $15/child. After the Race Please join us after the race for a kids’ fun run at the Crosby Law Firm! Our office is located right down the...

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